It is already time to back to school and also perfect time to make some crafts as a warm-up session before starting to school again. They really enjoy spending time with some crafts materials and be proud of the product they create in the end. So why not keeping the little hands busy with scissors, glue, cardboard, felt, or whatever you find at home. You can even let them go around the rooms and hunt for things to use for their projects. Simply cutting a couple of crayons out of cardboard and colouring them to make a string can be a fun activity for the kids. A paper plate school bus coloured with finger paint, colour palette made with clay, popsickle sticks turned into a photo frame are just some of the ideas that you can easily accomplish successfully with your kids. Just take a look at some photo-ideas we’ve gathered up for you below then take the materials, guide your kids during the process and finally showcase your product at the most visible place of your house. Now scroll down and get the inspiration you need!