Just like babies, pups need to be taught how to behave properly. You want to have a peaceful walk with your best friend. However, teaching dogs can be more challenging compared to teaching a child, but even though it is difficult, it is still a must.
Although it is hard, you don’t have to worry. You can try these tips that will make your training effective.
1. Use Treats
Who doesn’t love a good treat after a good job? Treats are a positive reinforcement that would help you to get the attention of your pup. It is good to use treats in the beginning when they are still learning, but when they get the lesson, you can slowly stop giving treats. Do not get your dogs used to treats.
2. Familiarize Your Dog With A Marker
A marker like a clicker, clicking your tongue or saying “yes” signals your pet that they are doing the right thing. Let them know that whenever you use the marker that means they’re doing a good job. According to a Long Island dog training professional, good communication with your dog is important. Be consistent with using our marker and your dog will eventually understand its meaning.
3. Have Short Trainings
It is more effective to have short sessions than pushing your dog for long training. When they’re still beginners, short sessions will help them better understand the lessons. Long training can overwhelm them and not listen to you.
4. Walk Quickly
Dogs can easily be distracted by their surroundings. They can easily be attracted to sights and aromas. Walking at a fast pace will allow them to focus more and give them fewer chances to get distracted.
5. Conduct The Right Leash Training
You can rush the process. Doing the right leash training will save you time and will ensure successful results. The right leash training is when you let your dog know the basic firsts before exposing them to bigger surroundings.
a. Introduce Your Dog To A Collar And Leash
If your pup is not used to wearing a collar and leash, you should start by letting them wear one. For a few minutes a day, play with them while wearing the collar and leash so that they’ll get comfortable wearing one. Giving them a few treats during their collar and leash time will help them enjoy it.
b. Train Inside First
Practicing outside without prior experience will be stressful for both you and your pup. There are too many distractions outside that wouldn’t help your best friend concentrate. Practicing inside your home will be better for the first time.
Try walking them on a leash in a room. Let them get used to following you. It helps if you teach your pet how to come to you and the usual tricks like sit and stay. This will help in preparation when you try walking outside.
c. Try Walking Outdoors
When you both get the hang of walking inside your home, it is time to test your skills outdoors. Try walking outside your home. Keep it short. Utilize the practices you and your dog have been doing at home when walking outside.
Don’t be discouraged if it’s not a peaceful walk. You are both out of your comfort zones and will face new challenges. Your dog will encounter new sights, hear unfamiliar sounds and find new scents. Be patient with your pup friend; they’ll get the hang of it.
6. Train In Different Settings And Places
Even if your dog is better at walking with a leash outside your home, you don’t stop training them. Consistency is key. Keep on practicing and try new settings. If your usual walk is just around your block, try walking at the park or hike a trail.
Exposing them to different places also helps familiarize themselves with different scents, scenes, and sounds. This practice will help them learn how to walk at least better.
Training will be tough. It requires time and effort. You have to be consistent with your session to help your dogs absorb the lesson. The more you do the drills, the more your dogs achieve muscle memory.
Training them to walk on a leash will make your walks more peaceful. As a dog owner, it is also the responsible thing to do. When your dog is well behaved outside, you don’t get to bother other people, and you set an example with your dog. Remember a good dog is equal to having a good owner.