Everyone needs someone to keep them safe from harm. A parent, a big brother or a pet. In this case, one adorable little baby has a loyal cat as his personal guardian. Taco the cat is watching over this little boy since the day he was born. Whenever this baby boy takes a nap, Taco is there, laying by his side, guarding him with his life. After the nap, the boy is always in a mood for some outdoor or indoor adventure and Taco is his partner in crime. Always running by his side keeping the baby safe at all times. This adorable toddler is growing every day and so is the connection with his cat friend Taco. Enjoy these cute images that we’ve prepared for you and if you can’t get enough you can always visit this Instagram page.
“Go away, he’s sleeping.”

Taco is always watching.

Okay, sometimes he takes a nap too.

Taco likes to be very close to his little human.

Sometimes Taco brings his own company.

And sometimes they’re sleeping the same way.

Taco is always there for his human.

They like to take long naps together.