Star Wars Episode VII was a big hit in the theaters last week and the whole world is talking about this amazing movie franchise, but one man dedicated the whole past year to one of the most legendary characters of all time – Darth Vader. Devin Kelly bought Darth Vader mask with his wife in some thrift shop and it instantly became an object of endless fun in their lives. Devin and his wife first took some silly photos of them with that mask and posted some pictures on Instagram and Facebook and they received a ton of positive comments. After that, Davin decided to create a little bit bigger project. He wanted to show the world the regular, everyday life of the legendary Darth Vader if he lived on Earth and not on the Death star. So Davin started taking pictures of himself looking for a job, taking a nice, warm bath, decorating the Christmas tree and even watching some good old Star Wars. Eventually, this project became an autobiography because Davin himself went through some big changes in life. He quit his job, started looking for a new one, he was unemployed for a long time and all that he managed to transform into one positive and creative photography project called “A Vader Day”. If you like these everyday images of the Imperial lord, visit Devin’s website and enjoy more of his amazing and funny work.
Even the Imperial lord gets sick.

Relaxation time.

“Ugh, the Imperial lord should not be on hold!”

Hanging out with some friends and co-workers.

“I’m only human after all…”

Getting ready for a night out.

Christmas time is here.

“Ugh, I hate this job!”

“God, I was good back in the day!”