We all remember significant moments in our lives, but sometimes the most beautiful ones are those little, quiet and private moments with a love or by yourself. Beauty and piece can be found in the simplest of moments such as dipping your favorite cookie in milk, hugging your significant other by the quiet river or just chilling by the fireplace. Photographers Jamie Beck and Kevin Burg have made an interesting presentation of those “living moments” and they named it “Cinemagraphs”. They used high-end cinema cameras in order to create still images with one included and repetitive motion that tells the simple story. These mesmerizing Cinemagraphs are very pleasant to watch and they can evoke some of our nicest life memories. Jamie’s and Kevin’s main goal is to show people how important these simple “living” moments are, and we can only hope that people will start appreciating them more. Enjoy these beautifully composed moving images here below.
Dessert time.

Papers and morning coffee.

Rainy days filled with music.

Kiss by the river.