Cats are known to be grumpy and distant, but we love them nevertheless. Of course, when it comes to grumpy cats, the most famous one is the original “grumpy cat”, but there is a Scottish fold cat from Japan that might be even grumpier! The cat is named Koyuki and it has a terrifying and menacing stare. The first thing you might think when you see Koyuki is “this cat is not grumpy, this cat is evil and something made her mad!” This angry cat is slowly taking over the internet and we will see if the original Grumpy Cat has something to say about that! If you like these awesome photos of Koyuki, you can visit this Instagram page for more photos of this grouchy cat.
“Just leave me alone, human.”

“What? I like to sleep in a bag.”

This cat has the best angry stare in the world.

This cat is angry even with its eyes closed.

“Can I have some privacy, you anoying human?”

This cat doesn’t like to be photographed.

The death stare!