Good news for the ones who love making small changes for renovating their homes; you can use wallpaper in the bathroom. You only need to be careful while choosing the right one. Most wallpapers are labelled according to their use, and those suited to high-moisture rooms like kitchens and bathrooms are invariable vinyl. This type of wallpapers are water-resistant that have a thick vinyl coating which will deflect any moisture. So you need to pick among the ones labelled as ‘scrubbable’, ‘extra washable’ or ‘highly wash-resistant’. The next step is deciding on the best print for your bathroom. If your renovation only covers the wallpaper then you need to take the overall decoration of your bathroom into consideration, but if it is a high-budget project, then the style, size and the colour palette that you’ve chosen for the place become the determinative factors. Opting for lighter are more natural colours is the smartest choice for tiny and low-lit bathrooms, whereas you can consider vibrant colours to create a pop up effect for one of the walls. There are hundreds of pattern options classified according to their themes such as oceanic, floral, tropical, etc. To make the long story short and give you ideas, we compiled this inspirational gallery with 25 best wallpaper photo-ideas for the bathroom. Hope you find them helpful.