Your bedroom decoration journey isn’t finished without hanging up the right art pieces on the wall. It is your sancuary so it must welcome you and soothe your soul by all means. You should choose the pieces carefully as they need to speak to you and move your heart. You should avoid sad or lonely images or those which reflect violent or aggressive energy. The art piece should be relaxing and sensual in vibrant colours. You can prefer Chinese auspicious items which include the mystical knot, birds, red peonies, and the double happiness symbol. They are highly recommended for creating feng shui-suited decor. If you are working on a tight budget, you can search for drawings online then print and frame them to adore your walls. If you can spend some more, then you can consider creating a wallpaper background for the art piece you want to spruce up your bedroom with. Here we showcase some of the most beautiful bedroom wall art ideas to inspire you during this exciting journey. Enjoy!