Everyone wants to be creative when it comes to wedding photography. There are a lot of traditional, and some may say boring wedding photo sessions out there. If you are that someone that would love to have something different when it comes to wedding photos, well, just contact photographer Jay Philbrick and his wife Vicki and get ready for some extreme wedding photos. Jay and Vicki are taking newly wedded couples on a 350 feet high cliff in Echo Lake State Park, New Hampshire and there they take majestic and at the same time terrifying photos of a happy couple. Before this photography business, Jay was a mountain guide, so that explains this whole idea. Of course, during these sessions, Jay and Vicki are assisted by a third photographer Justin Macomber and Marc Chauvin who is also a mountain guide, so this skilled squad is guaranteeing a safe and fun experience. At least for the ones brave enough to try it. These photographs are so stunning and surreal that some people started to question if this is all fake, but Jay and Vicki answered those suspicious folks with some amazing “behind the scenes” photos. Enjoy these breathtaking wedding photographs, and if you’re brave enough and interested you can get more info on their website and Facebook page.
A brave couple enjoys the incredible view.

Sessions are always starting before the sunrise.

Here’s one for all the doubters out there. This is real!

Fierce and unique.

350 feet drop…

The view is truly majestic.

The Ice Queen.

That’s one brave ballerina!

“Don’t worry, I got you, baby!”