Natalia Savilova was born, grew up and live in Moscow. She graduated from the agricultural Academy in 2005 and specialized in the breeding of wild animals. After graduating from the Academy, she was engaged in breeding snakes and lizards for two years, but then she had to leave and decided to do something else. From 2007 to the present time she works in insurance and has her own small business. As she has always felt herself as a child of nature, she needed to do something related to it. She says “without nature, I don’t feel like myself.” She creates amazing art pieces with dried flowers in various forms. Let’s read her story in her own words; “Two years ago, I thought about how to extend the life of cut flowers. This led me to a passion for herbarium and epoxy resin. My parents have a country house. They live there in the summer. Mom has a garden which is not very big and beyond the gate is the forest. It is an ideal place for experimentation and study. At that time, I plucked all kinds of herbs and flowers that I came across and dried them in different ways but I didn’t know what to do with them. Now I know exactly what I need. Although I continue to experiment. Why do I need dried flowers? I make jewelry and paintings with dried flowers. I like taking pictures very much and my flowers give me a lot of ideas. When I work with them, it’s like I’m in a trance. What inspires me? There’s only one answer to that question. Nature! It is perfect in any of its manifestations. Since childhood, animals are my friends and the forest… The forest is my temple. There I go when I feel bad and when I feel good. The forest gives me strength, joy of life and an endless source of inspiration.” Now please enjoy some of her brilliant photos of dried flower art in various forms.