When the husband is supposed to do some handiwork around the house he usually says: “it’s gonna take a while…” and it does, it really does. But when Marc Ely, a 33-year-old savvy dad from Rochford, Essex says he’ll get his kids a treehouse… He means a fortress. In 3 days. By hand. From scratch. Making us regular incompetent lazies, well, exactly that. Realizing that the retail price for a treehouse is $2,400, he quickly turned his boat around into the DIY bay, to finally end up with a fortress that cost only $205. Tower, a swing, and a rock-climbing wall, all just for his loving kids. An impressive construction made from scaffold materials made a quarantine for Marc’s children a playtime that they will remember forever. “The only things I had to buy were the wood chippings, swings, slide, rock-climbing stones, and paint from Amazon, eBay, and B&Q,” Mark says. The rest of the material came from his own scaffolding business. The lockdown gave Marc the free time he needed, and he made a fortress. Tell us, what did you do with your free time during this quarantine? I guess I shouldn’t have asked… Sorry.
Thor-looking savvy dad – Marc Ely used his hammer to build a fortress for his kids

Of course, his child is Captain America.
Aaaaand Batman.
Aaaand Tom Sawyer or they’re just helping.
After looking online for treehouses and realizing it would cost him $2400,
33-year-old Marc Ely went the DIY route.
All he needed was 3 days to finish the fortress.
In the end, he paid only $205.
And became a candidate for the father of the year.
Congrats sir! Lockdown free time ‘done’ perfectly.