Taking your dog with you on a car ride means that you’ll probably have to leave them alone in the car for a few minutes and dogs don’t like being left alone. A talented photographer, Martin Usborne, managed to portray the honest looks of our four-legged friends through an emotional series of photos called “The Silence of Dogs in Cars”. Martin was inspired by his own experience he had when he was only four or five years old. He was left alone in the car for only fifteen minutes, but he was scared and lonely. He was wondering if anyone would come back for him. Since Martin always had a deeper connection with animals, he realized that’s exactly how dogs feel, while waiting for their humans to come back to the car. These amazing portraits show how deeply emotional dogs are.
Waiting for his human.

This one is really impatient.

This big fella doesn’t like being left alone.

Just sitting there, hoping for his human to come back.

Sad little fella.

This one seems to be enjoying the solitude.

This one is definitely sad.

“What’s taking you so long?”

“I’m not gonna be a good boy when he comes back!”