Andrey Lukovnikov is a Polish tattoo artist whose style of tattooing is very unique and original. First of all, his tattoos consist of outlines of birds, insects, feathers and so on, and then the filling is with some floral prints or something similar. In order to achieve this class of tattooing, first step is the sketching and painting on the computer on the Photoshop, and then tattooing it. This is necessary in order to achieve the multidimensional and illusionistic visual effect. Make sure to check out Lukovnikov’s tattoos, they are extraordinary cool, you will be amazed!
Floral print inside of an outine of an insect, very cool idea!

Abstract design of a skull.

Beautiful and vibrant floral prints in outlines of a bird and feather. Lovely and imaginative.

Moth and purple flowers.

Graceful sternum tattoo.

Realistic rose tattoo.