As a professor aiming at successful teaching, I can say that there are a lot of useful things you can do. Delivering less information to people makes them unable to work on their assignments. Students can hire an online service to work on their assignments of 1500 words or 3000 words. Most of the tasks assigned are in terms of word count. On the other side, online essay writing services charge students according to the number of pages. This leave learners with questions like ‘how many pages are 3000 words?’ Therefore knowing how many words make a page important. Here are tips to guide you on how to teach effectively.
1. Understand the subject you teach
Good teachers are those with a more profound knowledge of the subject they teach. According to research, there is a certain level of knowledge that tutors should have on the subject they teach. If the level is lower, there is a significant impact on the learners. Intense knowledge on the subject gives the teacher the confidence to impart knowledge to juniors.
2. Congratulate students only when they deserve it
According to Carol Dweck, a professor at Stanford University, the wrong accolade can cause more harm than good to a person. It might show the tutor’s low expectations of them. If the learners’ failure is addressed with sympathy rather than disappointment, it makes them think that they failed because they don’t have the ability. For instance, if learners fail because they did not know how many words in pages it is because of their ignorance, which should be rebuked.
3. Delivery is key
Learning should be guided by progress. Therefore, the best way to teach is to ensure that his/her way of delivering content and assessing students is effective. This entails giving instructions progressively and giving the scholars enough time to practice what they have been taught.
4. Tutor’s views and opinions
The opinions of a teacher towards certain subjects such as mathematics affect the way students understand and perform in the subject. The instructor’s beliefs about science subjects and the importance of learning scientific concepts are combined with the knowledge of the teachers’ role in helping people learn to define the effectiveness of their teachings.
5. Relationship with students
Teacher to student interactions directly affects the learning process as well as the training environment. An instructor should create a warm environment and at the same time affirm the juniors’ self-worth as you demand performance.
6. Control behavior
As a tutor, you should manage the behavior of students to make learning as effective as possible. Tutors should also ensure they make good use of lesson time as they control the use of classroom resources because that is what good teachers do.
7. The setting may not be effective
Some instructors group trainees according to their abilities. This makes little or no difference in learning. Theoretically, this method of team building is used to help the tutor’s work with a pace that is suitable for students. The setting is not practical as the teacher might be too fast with the brilliant students and too slow with the average ones.
8. Pay less attention to the different learning styles
Most teachers think that young people make the most of the information if they receive it in their preferred style. Some trainees might prefer to view essay papers length in terms of words count while others want to view it in terms of pages. However, there is no scientific evidence supporting that analogy.
9. Initial stages of learning should be hard
According to Elizabeth Ligon Bjork, students should find learning hard at first. This will improve their level of retaining knowledge in the long run. When learners are first assigned essays of 3000 words, they
find it hard to know how many pages will hold those words. With time, those who attend the university will not need a calculator to know the number of pages required.
10. Relate well with parents/guardians colleagues
The relationship between the lecturer’s and the parents/guardians have a significant impact on learning. Though the effect might not be reflected on the student’s grades, it is a good practice to include good relationships in training areas.
Who is a good teacher? For an outsider, a good teacher is one who keeps the class engaged and motivated. However, for a pupil, there may be many definitions of a good teacher. For some, a good teacher is one who never gave up on them while for others, a good teacher is one who makes learning a fun process. The success of a teacher can be defined by how well the students perform or view the teaching methods used on them.