There is always a precious story behind a simple photo. While looking through your family album, the photos take you to the past and you recall many unforgetable memories. Byron Bay, Australia based photographer and educator Lauren Phillips defines herself as a storyteller which is what we can’t agree more as all her photos speak for themselves. How did she start taking photos? Her mother was a photographer who could bring to life her visions and creative musings. She was interested in shooting with her camera but never took it seriously. In her 20s, she even won a competition and her photo was printed on a t-shirt and sold through Australia. She tells the rest of her story as follows; “It was when my daughter was around two that my computer crashed and I lost every photo and sweet video that I had of her that my world spun around. I dusted off an old Fuji and started to ‘document’ her everyday. And from there, an itch started to stir inside. To this day I can not face the fact that I lost it all, I just churn that into producing images that show how others loved fiercely.” Now she not only takes beautiful family portraits but also mentor other photographers. Online, in person and through her Find Your Wild Workshops. Now, take a look at some of her photos we present below. Surely, you’ll love her unique style and each of her captures.
“This journey didn’t start until it was ready.”

“Going back, I was a photographer’s child.”

“Set in a photo so that my own mother could bring to life her visions and creative musings.”

“I won a point and shoot camera, but I was too pre occupied with life to realise that I could make something of this, regardless of friends always telling me to.”

“I take photos from the absolute depths of my soul that showcase you, in your finest loving form.”

“I want to show YOU, through pictures, how hard you loved each other.”

“I want you to feel that wave of nostalgia running through your veins.”

“I want to get creative with you, and make some magic.”