We’ve seen some rather interesting and adorable baby photos on Pinterest over the years and that is exactly what inspired some new parents to create their own versions of famous baby portraits. They wanted to copy those cute photos from the past but their photos turn out to be hilarious. Taking a photo of a baby is not easy at all! You might have some picture in your head how the photo should look like, but there is no way of controlling these little rascals. If they want to move, they’ll move and if they want to cry in the middle of the session, you simply can’t do anything to prevent that. You can only capture the moment and that is exactly what these parents have done.
This one doesn’t like to be kissed.

A funny little larva.


Not as graceful as the baby in the original photo.

Nice try, I guess.

Someone doesn’t like pumpkins.

He wants out.


This looks comfortable.

This baby is not amused!


Oh, the irony.

The lazy rabbit.