The concept of home health generally covers a lot – from safety, enough space, good food, comfort, and hygiene. Health starts at home, not hospitals, and that makes it every homeowner’s prerogative to ensure their home is a safe and comfortable place, not just for themselves, but for their families as well.
Most people tend to focus so much on nutrition and exercise and very little on their environment when it comes to improving their health. The environment impacts so much on the body. Therefore, it’s essential to make the home healthy. This can be achieved by cleaning homes more often to remove harmful toxins.
Paying attention to your living environment won’t only have a positive effect on your long-term health, but even on how good or comfortable you feel. This article will provide you with some of the best ways you can keep your home safe and healthy.
Avoid using chemical-based products.
Toxic chemicals in cleaning products have for so long been associated with a lot of health problems. A good example is asthma. To avoid such health issues, it’s advisable to use essential oils, basic soap, and water or plant-based products. Examples of good, natural cleaning solutions include lemon, baking soda, and vinegar.
Ensure there’s good lighting.
The lights in your home can make a significant difference in how you feel, and may as well affect your health. Dimmer lights at night help us fall asleep, while lights in the morning help us wake up feeling alert and energized. Bad lighting means bad sleep and bad sleep is linked to diseases such as cancer, memory loss, and even obesity.
Filter your tap water.
It may not be safe to drink directly from your sink. Unfiltered tap water may contain contaminants such as lead, chlorine, and pesticides. You should always filter your tap water before drinking to make sure it’s not contaminated. Get more information about tap water at HomeFix World.
Avoid storing food in plastic containers.
Plastic containers contain toxic chemicals that can be quite a danger to your hormones and even cause cancer. Use glass containers instead when putting away leftovers. Glass is safe for both hot foods and liquids. It can be recycled, and it doesn’t leach harmful chemicals when in contact with food.
Clean up.
Dust can pile up anywhere around your home, at the corners of your rooms, on your pillows, or under your bed. Vacuum your house regularly, change your pillowcases and beddings frequently, and reduce the humidity in your house.
Safely ban pests.
Cockroaches, flies, mice, and other pests aren’t just annoying, but also cause a big threat to the health. This isn’t just because of the germs they carry around, but also the pesticides people use to get rid of them are just as harmful to the health, especially if there are children involved. While they
might as well inhale the pesticide-contaminated air, children are playful, and they could unknowingly touch the pesticides. This increases the risk of developing neurological problems as well as cancer. Seal off crevices in your walls and floors, weather-strip your doors and windows, and keep your kitchen clean and free of food particles to help prevent pests from raiding your home. If you must use pesticides, choose gels or baits instead of sprays.