“Look at it! Look at it! This is why you come here. This is why you come!” These were the out-of-breath words of the mighty passionate photographer Nick Moir when he was chasing ‘Monsters’ – the wildest tornados on American soil. Today he is showcasing a story far from this one. The one where he still screams those same words. “Look at it!” But this time it’s in a completely different tone. 45-year old photographer from Sydney, Australia, known as an elemental photographer, in his case meaning the photographer of the most vicious weather on Earth. Moir is the chief photographer of the Sydney Morning Herald and his intense affection towards his art is utterly awe-inspiring in every sense of that word. He has already received an award back in 2002/3 for capturing bushfire season. Unfortunately, past few months he had another job as we all know already, the bushfires of Australia. Nick Moir captured the Kodak moments like no one before him, revealing the hell within. Firefighters struggling to keep their own skin safe while battling the dragons of the Australian forests. Nick Moir shows us just how dangerous their job is, and exactly how immense these bushfires are.
More info: Official website, Instagram, YouTube (including the short film “Chasing Monsters“)

It looks like a raging war

Bad visibility inside the deep smoke, high temperatures, high risk. A noble job.

Heroes risking their own life working an inch from certain death


Hell on Earth captured by the most incredible photographer – Nick Moir

Nothing survives this

Make sure to check out Nick Moir’s work because he’s a one in a lifetime photographer!