Product photography is a huge part of selling products online. The product photo is the number one consideration for people when they are shopping on an eCommerce site. With so much competition out there, your product photos must stand out from the rest and get customers interested in what you have to offer. Whether you’re just starting a new business or looking for ways to improve your current website, the tips below will help you understand how product photography can affect your customers’ purchasing decisions.
The importance of product photography
Product photography is important because it is one of the main things that will affect your customers’ purchasing decisions. People usually decide what they want to purchase within the first two seconds of looking at a product photo. If that initial impression isn’t strong enough or if there are flaws in the image quality, you could lose your customer before they even take one step closer towards buying from you.
If your product photos are not appealing or clear, people are less likely to buy from you. The seasoned photographers from a well-renowned Chicago product photography company suggest that you take pictures of products that are as high-resolution as possible, with no graininess or blurriness. Make sure that the background of your photos is not distracting, and choose a neutral backdrop, so you can focus on how great your product looks in front of it. If they aren’t already up to date, invest in new lighting equipment and hire someone with experience to take high-quality pictures for you if necessary.
Leaves a first impression
The product photo is the number one consideration when shopping online for customers because it gives them their first impression of what they are buying and helps build trust in your brand. If you have amazing photos that show off exactly what people will receive if they buy from you, half of your selling battle has already been won. In this case, it’s important to take lifestyle images as well as product photos for your eCommerce site. These should be professional and showcase the best parts of what you’re selling, whether that is a new pair of jeans or something else entirely.
Fosters customer loyalty
The pictures on your eCommerce store can also help to foster customer loyalty. If your product photos are high quality and professional, customers will be more inclined to make a purchase from you over someone else because they know what they are getting is of excellent value. They will also most likely recommend your site to others, which means you will have a better chance at acquiring new customers as well. When people are shopping online for products, they want the best value, and pictures play a huge role in that.
What makes a good product photo
A great product photograph doesn’t just show off the physical features of what you’re selling. It should capture the personality and emotion that your customers will feel when they use or own it. What kind of feeling does this specific item give? Is it fun, practical, or luxurious? Your goal is to create an image that will resonate with your target audience and make them want to buy it.
Common mistakes people make when photographing their items
One of the most common mistakes people make when photographing their items is not understanding how lighting works. When you’re taking product photos, it’s important to take into consideration the different types of lights that are available and use them accordingly, depending on what you are trying to show off. If your item has multiple colors or features, for example, then a simple white light may work well. If your item is a single color with no details, then you should use a black light to avoid any distractions in the background or other aspects of the picture.
Another common mistake people make is having a distracting background. If your item stands out and has good lighting, you don’t want something in the image to take away from it. Make sure that the backdrop is simple or neutral so that there are no elements that will distract potential customers from seeing what they came for, which is your product itself. When choosing a background for your product, it’s important to remember that some items may not be suitable for every type of background.
Working on your product photography skills is an investment in the future of your eCommerce business. To take the best pictures possible, it’s important to understand how people make decisions. Knowing this information will help you craft your product photography strategy in a way that is most likely to draw attention and garner sales for your products online.