For the longest time, humans have utilized animals as pets, livestock, experimental subjects, or even as a display to the public. For the most part, animals can serve to make people’s lives easier. Before machines were invented, animals were used to the plow the farmlands, to transport baggage and people, or even kept as pets. Before a medicine became safe for human consumption, it was tested on animals first. In a sense, utilizing animals this way can help save human lives. Indeed, animals have been part of our daily lives. So if you are looking to write an essay about animals, there are plenty of topics to choose from.
There are plenty of topics about animals
For instance, the use of animals for testing. How justifiable is using animals for medical purposes compared to cosmetics? Another topic to consider is about keeping animals in zoos. Would it be good for animals to be kept in zoos as opposed to leaving them out in the wild? Are zoos taking good care to wild animals? You can also tackle about careers related to animals such as veterinarians, zoo-keepers, or pet grooming. What prompted these people to do what they do? How fulfilling are their jobs to themselves? Or you may want to explore how keeping animals as pets help people psychologically. Which animals are usually kept as pets and what are the existing studies regarding this. Aside from these topics, you can address animal-related issues such as animal rights. For instance, is putting animal fur on human clothes a violence against animals? Is hunting as a sport can be called violence against animals? And many other animal-related topics you can find around you.
To help you write a good essay about animals, academic writers from Essay Kitchen recommend following these six tips.
Understand the assignment
Before starting your essay about animals, take in mind the limits on the number of pages or words that should be present in your essay. Which citation format should be used, MLA or APA or some other formats? What other formatting details you should follow i.e. font style, font size, and so on?
Research on your topic
Since you will be doing an essay related to animals, you should conduct quick researches on animal-related topics that might interest you. As already mentioned, you can explore animal rights, animal testing, or even careers related to animals. List down possible topics that you can write about later on.
Come up with a thesis statement
After choosing a topic related to animals, come up with your thesis statement. A thesis statement is the central idea of your essay. In other words, this is the stand of your paper regarding the issue at hand. For instance, the topic is on animal testing. One possible thesis statement is: “Using animals for testing is inhumane.” You will have to defend your thesis statement all throughout your paper answering the thesis statement: why do you think that using animals for testing is inhumane?
Aside from including your position on the issue at hand, the thesis statement should be provided early in your paper, preferably within the introduction. This should be presented in clear and concise manner.
Establish an outline
Now that you have your topic and thesis statement, you must establish an outline to help you logically argue your stand on the issue at hand. An outline can help you organize your thoughts, as well as establish the scopes and limitations of your paper. Your outline should be in line with your thesis statement, as well as the standard essay format of this sequence: introduction, body paragraph/s, and conclusion.
Include only relevant and significant data
In writing your essay, you should only include relevant and significant data about the topic at hand. This is where you can use your studies to support your claim. In an essay, the body paragraph contains all the data and your analysis necessary to support your essay. To give you a start, the common rule is to find three (3) supporting arguments for your thesis statements. Each supporting argument must be backed up with reliable studies, graphs and other needed materials. Fifty percent (50%) of your essay paper should be your analysis and synthesis. Include a proper citation to avoid being charged with plagiarism. Last but not least, watch out for grammar, logical fallacies, or wordy paragraphs. Make your essay concise and comprehensible at the same time.
Wrap up your essay with a conclusion
After proving your thesis statement with the arguments you presented, synthesized and analyzed, wrap up your essay with a conclusion. A strong conclusion will make
your paper feel complete, leaving readers satisfied with what they have learned from you. The standard rule of thumb is that the conclusion should respond to the thesis statement based on the findings from your arguments. You must provide first an overview of your thesis and arguments, then reiterate how relevant these arguments in the resolution of your essay. You can also present recommendations in the conclusion, or a new perspective on your topic. Take in mind that you must be careful not to present here your speculations or any new information.
Writing your own essay about animals
When writing an essay about animals, the mentioned six (6) tips can help you. There are plenty of topics to discuss animals. To give you a start, see list below:
* Endangered species must be preserved for future generations to see
* Stray animals should be (or should not be) eliminated
* Rationality/irrationality about fearing spiders, butterflies or frogs since they seem to be harmless
So, in writing a good essay about animals, first understand your assignment; think about your topic and thesis statement. Next, establish your outline. Then do a research that supports your argument. Finally, wrap up your essay with a conclusion.