Based in Rochester, Minnesota, Marian, aka Miss Mustard Seed is a mom, entrepreneur and paint & textile enthusiast. She started her business, Mustard Seed Interiors, in 2008, as a way to earn extra money for groceries, though, in time, this local decorative painting and mural business has grown into a a blog and social media community with over 600,000 followers. Her business now includes decorating, buying and selling antiques, refurbishing furniture, product and fabric design, freelance writing and photography and mentoring other creative entrepreneurs. As she explains; “I wanted to advertise my business, but I also wished to connect with other DIY/Home bloggers. The decision was made early on to make this blog a valuable resource, filled with tutorials, practical advice, encouragement, and a dose of reality. While the focus has been on the home, the heart of my blog has always been providing encouragement and inspiration to women in the areas of decorating, running a business, creative endeavors, and even some lifestyle topics like health and fashion.” She also states some inspirational words for the beginners ; “If you don’t have anyone else who will tell you that you should at least try to do the thing you’ve always wanted to do, I will. And I’m going to learn and grow and try new things right along with you. We will produce some bad work along the way, things we want to burn or bury, but we’ll learn with each project that’s completed. We don’t have to be perfect. We can just be better than we were last week, last month, last year. If no one else has told you… you can start small. You can be a beginner. And most things in life are learned, practiced, and gained over time. Give yourself the gift of small beginnings and slow growth. So, what is it that you want to try?” Here we present you with some of Marian’s most inspiring interior design & decoration photos. Hope you find them interesting.