Jellina Detmar lives with her husband Jan Detmar in Friesland, The Netherlands and works as a a physiotherapist. Besides her occupation, she is passionate about interior design and styling. She sometimes regards her work as a hobby and wants to devote all her time to home decoration. They have got a farmhouse in the village of ‘Kollum’ since March 2017 and with her husband, Jellina has been renovating this beautiful place and sharing her experiences through her blog. “Our preference is for earth tones, in our interior you will find a lot of (oak) wood, black / white and brown tones. We like to combine these shades with all the green of our plants. I describe our interior style as industrial with robust and sturdy items. Nice if you are going to follow our renovation! I hope I can inspire you with our interior, handy DIYs, styling and trends!” she states on her blog. You can see some photos of this modern farmhouse renovated by creative Detmars in our gallery below. Take a look at the photos then let us hear about your thoughts.