Calgary,Alberta,Canada based Pablo Puentes is one of the most remarkable tattoo artist that we came across on Instagram. He has an extraordinarily unique style which can be seen clearly in his “Double up” series. Although, this series went viral in 2016, talented artist continues designing similar tattoos as his clients still request for them and we wanted to present his latest designs to you. Thanks to his entertainment industry experience where he developed 3D films, he generated the idea of stereoscopic tattoos that consist of two images working together to express a thought. He overlays an outline of an animal on its human match. “I don’t try to inject meaning into the images, though,” he explains, “My customers usually pick their beast, and away I go.” He often inks double up tattoos in red and black in a pen style but he also has various different tattoos in black only. We handpicked some of his Double Up tattoo designs from his Instagram feed for you. Check them out and remember to share your thoughts with us.