If you watched Scooby-Doo when you were a kid, well, you were certainly most excited at the end of the episode where the bad guy had to take his mask and show who he really is. It’s always so intriguing to see who is behind a mask, and because of that Alex Solis, an illustrator, created a project that will one day, he hopes, become an entire book called “Icons Unmasked”. Alex asked himself “What if these famous pop culture icons are just some other characters wearing masks?” So, he created the world where the notorious Walter White is in fact just friendly neighbour Ned Flanders under a mask or where the famous sensei Splinter from the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles is, in fact, Yoda wearing a rat costume. On his amazing drawings, we can also see that Brian from the Family Guy is in fact, beloved Snoopy that hides under that mask. You can see all that, and much, much more here below, and if you like Alex’s clever illustrations, you can visit his Instagram page, in order to enjoy more of his fantastic work.