Kitchen remodel jobs are second (barely) only to bathroom remodels as the most popular type of home renovation projects. As they have one of the highest pay-backs on resale value and as the kitchen is the “heart of the home” where much time is spent, this is no surprise.
One of the key choices to make when remodeling your kitchen is which type of sink and faucet to install. Most sink-faucet combos average between $150 to $300 to purchase and have installed, though prices range much higher for the top of the line models. According to Everlast Plumbing of Sydney, paying a little more for a higher-quality set and using a reputable plumber to have it installed can extend the life of your sink and faucet by years (or even decades.)
Below, we will look briefly at the different options for kitchen sinks and faucets and give some hints as to how to make a decision that you will be happy with long-term:
Choosing Your New Kitchen Sink
The first question to consider is whether you want your main kitchen sink to be double or single bowled. Double bowls are traditional, but many today do almost all of their dishes in a dishwasher and only wash large pots and pans in the kitchen sink. Therefore, many prefer a single, large bowl instead. However, also consider a large bowl plus small bowl combo as a kind of compromise.
Next, think about the depth of your sink. If you aren’t planning on doing anything much but handwashing in it and won’t ever fill it up with water to wash in, a shallow sink might be adequate. But in that case, you need a relatively short faucet to avoid splash-outs. Most prefer, however, a deeper sink with a taller faucet to complement it.
Stainless steel is the best choice for the material, usually, due to its great durability, but you might want to go with granite-coated cast iron or composite for aesthetic reasons. With natural stone countertops, stainless steel does a better job since it can be undermounted. If you feel stainless steel is “too noisy,” get a sink with sound absorption or a non-stainless steel option.
Choosing Your New Kitchen Faucet
Style and material (chrome, stainless steel, copper) are highly personal choices, and the abundance of options with modern kitchen sink faucets is truly amazing. However, here we will focus on the basic “types” of faucets rather than specific brands or styles:
Here are 4 key types of faucets to consider, with some pros and cons of each:
- Single handle faucets are simpler to use and easy to install. They use less space and some feel the style is more sleek and attractive. They do make temperature settings less precise, however, and your countertop may be left with a hole you have to fill with a soap dispenser or spray nozzle.
- Two-handled faucets. This is the most traditional and common option. It requires more “work” to use, but you get better temp adjustment. These faucets fit standard base plates without leaving an “extra hole.”
- Pull out faucets pull out or down from a holder and attach to the end of a hose. A counterweight allows for easy put away after use. This is a great tool when washing the sink bottom or spraying off food items in or over the sink. But often, a separate nozzle tool works with a regular faucet instead of replacing one.
- Hands-free faucets work by an activation sensor, which either senses hands in front of it or which you have to tap. There may be two tap points: one for hot water and the other for cold.
Put real thought into sink and faucet selection for your new kitchen: you will be using and living with them for a long time. The above should get you started, but be aware there are literally dozens of options to choose from – so you can afford to “get picky.”