How do people battle the heat in the town of Alhaurín de la Torre, in Malaga? Using art. More precisely – the crocheted canopy. Interestingly, it was 3 years ago when the city council’s Department of the Environment started off this project, so to speak, as they took out the large plastic cover and replaced it with eco-friendly material. It was the beginning of bringing color above the shopping corridor where many locals pass by daily. Sheltered from the sun by the textile tarp with geometric patterns and organic shapes, with various symbols and colors chosen by the students. While the idea is solid, the project only now feels truly complete. Crochet teacher, Eva Pacheco with a help of her students gave it a go on expanding the canopy to nearly 500 square meters of coverage. The giant patchwork of crocheted squares is as stunning looking from below as it is looking from above. The heavy sun is no longer the problem walking down this shopping corridor, as colorful patterns adorn the environment in the most uplifting way. Good job ladies!
More info: alhaurindelatorre (Eva Pacheco), La Línea de la Concepción (similar project in Spain).
Congratulation to these talented ladies and their crochet teacher Eva Pacheco

These colorful patterns now adorn the shopping corridors and protect people from heavy heat
Eva Pacheco and her students have expanded the crocheted canopy to nearly 500 square meters of coverage
Ladies at work
Location: town of Alhaurín de la Torre, in Malaga, Spain