Arno Rafael Minkkinen is a very gifted photographer that captures amazing and surreal portraits of himself in the nude. Arno adores nature, and consider himself to be a part of it, so most of his images have his bond with the mother nature as a motive. He connects with the natural surroundings and becomes one with them on the pictures. Sometimes it’s very hard to see where his body is merging with the world. This wonderful artist is now 70 years old and he doesn’t plan on stopping with his artwork. What fascinates the most about Minkkinen is the fact that he’s doing it all alone. He does not trust anyone else with the camera. Because of that he has to move very quickly and stay perfectly focused throughout the sessions. Arno is an old-school photographer so he doesn’t use Photoshop. Instead of that, he creates these dreamlike self-portraits by using the old method of 9 second time gap between the shots, and that time allows him to quickly change poses. Pretty impressive for a guy that has entered the 8th decade of his life. Minkkinen often goes even further and poses in the very dangerous surroundings such as rivers with fast and strong currents. Sometimes he even completely covers himself with ice, or bravely balance on the edge staring into the abyss bellow him. “Many of my photographs are difficult to make. Some can even be dangerous. I do not want to have someone else coming in harm’s way taking the risks I need to take – to lean out off a cliff or stay underwater for the sake of my picture, ” says Minkkinen. And really, we can just stand back and admire this brave and wonderful man, as he fully commits his life to the art of photography. You can visit his website and find out more about this extraordinary man and his art.