Hide and seek is maybe the most popular children’s game ever. We all played it during our childhood and frankly some of us still play the game with our kids and that is just awesome. Kids before the age of 7 are not really developed enough to see the situation from someone else’s perspective and because of that, they think that they’re invisible when they cover their heads with something or just stand behind a very thin pole. They may not be so good when it comes to this game, but they are simply adorable when they hide. These images will show you some of the true masters of this legendary game. After you watch this you simply must play hide and seek with your kid and see how their brilliant little minds work. Enjoy.
This is actually a really good hiding spot.

Oops, she forgot about the shadow.

If I can’t see them, they can’t see me, right?

Very creative.

This one is just too cute.

Who cares about the legs.

I’m an alligator.

One more that forgot to hide the legs.

Well, he scared someone, that’s for sure.


It’s too dark to close the door all the way.
