Unusual animal friendships and families are always a story worth telling and this one about an adorable goat named Hans who is being raised by two gorgeous St. Bernards. The owner of this odd but cute little family is Isolde, a student from Belgium who likes to spend most of her free time with her animals on a countryside farm.Isolde is actually a pretty skillful farm girl, so the fact that she has so many animals is not strange at all. The adorable goat is one of her favorite animals and she says Hans is a rather smart goat and that he already learned a lot from his foster parents.”They don’t bother the chickens so he doesn’t either. He loves sunbathing with the dogs, he loves going for walks with me and the dogs, but he likes napping with the dogs most”, says Isolde. If you’re interested in her farm life, make sure to check out her Instagram profile for more photos.