Tyler Rayburn is a photographer from Saint Paul, Minnesota. Tyler is mostly inspired by the tough and dark moments from his own personal life. He had his fair share of those, but at the end he always managed to pull through. His artwork, though inspired by darkest moments, is very bright and optimistic. It represents the path that everyone of us must overcome to get to the light. Tyler got in the world of photography long time ago when he was on a walk and saw an abandoned building. He immediately saw a number of potential images in his head, so he picked up a camera and started to pursue his passion. His images are representing the struggle of being and fighting alone. But what Tyler wants us to realize is that we can never be all alone if we are surrounded by nature. In his portraits people are uniting with nature and with her help they are overcoming their loneliness. Bellow you can see some of Tyler’s amazing work, and for more of his stunning photographs, you can visit his website.