In 2020 ‘Drone Photo Awards‘ had almost 14.000 images from amateur and professional photographers from 104 countries worldwide! This year’s winning photographers will be awarded on October 26 at the “Teatro dei Rinnovati” during the Siena Awards Festival. The winning composition has been already announced and it’s by Terje Kolaas. It showcases the flock of thousands of pink-footed geese as they make their way to Svalbard as the drone flies next to them like it’s part of the school. In the background, you can see how the snow covered the ground of the arctic region, possibly a bit early due to climate change. This year’s international contest includes photographers from 102 different countries and the exhibition ‘Above Us Only Sky’ showcases the best work from October 23rd to December 5th.
“Hippopotamus Group From Above” by Talib Almarri

“Pink-Footed Geese Meeting the Winter” by Terje Kolaas – Winning Composition
“Melting Ice Cap” by Florian Ledoux
“Sheep in Congress” by Yoel Robert Assiag
“Poisoned River” by Gheorghe Popa
“Duoyishu Terraces” by Ran Tian
“Volcano Show” by Oleg Rest