Spring and Easter are both extremely inspirational times of the year providing you loads of ideas while deciding on your holiday menu. Cookies, breads and cupcakes are the musts of an Easter table and the most pleasing of all is undoubtedly the cupcakes. There are hundreds of ways to decorate your favourite cupcake recipe in adorable Easter theme. Bunnies, carrots, sheep, eggs, chicks are the main objects that you can use creatively to adorn your cupcakes. Putting some chocolate eggs or carrots on white or green whipped frosting or turning your cupcake into a basket filled with colourful candies are the simplest but the most popular ways for creating your own cupcakes, whereas there are some more artful decorations that require talented hands. As we stated before, there are hundreds of ways to dress up the cupcakes into Easter theme and no matter how you make them, the result is always satisfying. Anyway, we combed Instagram and found the latest Easter cupcake decorations for you. Just check them out and dare to try some of them at home!