All of us are used to “hipsters” walking around in their skinny jeans, wearing unusual hats and glasses. Human hipsters are a pretty normal thing these days, but what about a hipster dog? Well, that’s something you don’t see every day. This adorable Maltese puppy named Tobes has a nickname “Toby Little Dude” and he is the biggest hipster in the animal kingdom. His owners dressed him up in various thick-rimmed, cardigans, glasses, bow ties and a lot of different hats and captured all of those outfits. The result is one awesome and adorable hipster puppy no one on this planet could resist. If you want to see more photos of his cute little heartbreaker, you can visit his Instagram page.
He doesn’t seem to mind these outfits.

An awesome shirt.

He has cool haircuts.

Better than most of the human hipsters.

Awesome bow tie.

That’s a cool look.

The Leather jacket is a must!

Starbucks, obviously.

Fabulous Toby.