Two years ago, Dominique made a decision to quit her job and stay at home with her children full-time. She hasn’t regretted it. Not only does she now have the opportunity to witness all those precious moments with her kids, she also finds fun and creative ways to spend time with them. One morning she unintentionally dressed herself and her younger daughter Penny in matching tops, then Amelia came out of her bedroom wearing the same. The picture had to be taken. People went crazy for this photo on Instagram so she decided to make a game out of it, and it became a part of their regular play. She started making series of photographs of herself and her two lovely daughters playing with matching clothes, objects and just goofing around with each other. This unconventional family album will surely bring a smile to your face.

She is too curious to stay on one spot.

Winter is here!

Height is also relative. Or so it seems.

Healthy snacks for all!

The little one is just stealing the show.

The grass is always greener on the other side.