Creative mind Noelia Medina Navarro is a Tomelloso, Spain based visual artist and graphic designer. She studied Fine Arts in Cuenca, then she got enrolled in Advertising Design in the Tomelloso School of Art. She specialised in graphic design and advertising. As a personal project, she puts her talented hands on everyday objects and cleverly makes them a part of her illustrations. A balloon becomes a fish, SD card turns into piano, and the tip of the pencil becomes the top of the hill when completed with her skillful lines. Her drawings are so clean and simple yet they are enough to express her ideas generated by her creative mind, as she explains; “I extract the objects from their habitat. And when I play with the object, the idea comes to me. I’m in a constant creative process. I’m very observant and am very aware of what I find.” We are very fond of this kind of art through which imagination gains visibility. What’s more surprising about Noelia is that she displays her works in a barbershop! The owner of the shop suggested her the idea and she agreed as she found the place a very cozy space. Below, we showcase some of our favourite creations of her for your eyes only. Hope you enjoy them as much as we do.