Jovana Rikola is a fine art and portrait photographer from Serbia. She focuses on female portraits including some surreal elements in her own style. Her portraits can be defined in one word; magical and she describes what she does as magic. She uses her camera to portray women and puts some spell on her photos during the post production phase. “To capture an emotion and story filled with magic and dreams is my gift. Photography has always been my big love. I started practicing it more actively in 2012, when I wanted to tell my story. In 2018, I opened a company that offers photography services and workshops. I couldn’t be happier. My works always show strong emotions with magic and dreams. My compositions were published in plenty book covers and magazines worldwide.” she states in her bio. When asked about what inspires her the most, she replies; “I find inspiration everywhere – but mostly in life and people. I am very picky when choosing models, and I know I have chosen well if I am touched by their emotion.” We have seen and shared many surreal female portraits until now and Jovana Rikola has a special place among them with her unique style. Take a look at her images and let us know whether you agree with us or not.