Dogs are just the best. They are your best friends, they are there when you need them the most and especially when you don’t need them. They are always there! But even if they eat your dinner sometimes or get your car dirty, you simply can’t say mad at your dog. When you get back from work or school and their tail start to move around when they see you, everything else is not important. Their unconditional love is stronger then any troubles they get themselves into, and they get into a lot of troubles. John is an artist who wanted to describe the difference between the period before and after he got his golden retriever Maimai. And he did it in a hilarious fashion. Everyone who is thinking about getting a dog should see this witty series of illustrations. If you like them and you want to enjoy more of John’s work, you can visit his website or his Facebook profile.
Well, they need to sharpen their teeth.

It’s like having a child.

You’re always being watched while you eat!

Dogs can change people.

Dogs are making us live healthier.

It can get a little bit messy.