These days we are talking a lot about magnificent Maine Coons cats, but we simply can’t help ourselves, they are simply stunning. Photographer Robert Sijka is also fascinated with these big felines, so much that he created an entire photo session devoted to them. Robert is one of those people who simply adore cats. He always thought they were majestic and fascinating creatures, so this amazing series of photos that’s focused on Maine Coons is not a surprise. He says that he has two passions – photography and cats. And these beautiful and colorful photos are the wonderful results of those two combined passions. If you loved Robert’s photos, make sure to visit his Instagram and Facebook pages for more of his fantastic work.
The standoff.

Cute yawn.

Little lion.

Simply stunning.

Beautiful yellow eyes.

A truly majestic animal.

Look at that stare!

The king of domesticated cats.

This one looks like a mythical creature.

This dude is a little scary.

Magnificent fur.