Natalia Strokowska is a veterinarian and a Ph.D. student from Poland. This noble woman specializes in non-domesticate, feral animals. She’s extremely dedicated to her calling and she traveled the world in order to acquire more knowledge. Natalia would like to inspire young minds and convince them to care more about the safety and health of animals. This beautiful woman was once a model and she’s now fighting that cruel “blonde stereotype”. Somehow, in spite of this dreadful content that media is serving these days, she manages to get through to young people and interest them in this noble cause. Hats off, Natalia, keep up the good work!
She takes care of them all!

From mammals to reptiles.

It’s what makes her happy.

She enjoys her work.

She’s working with exotic animals as well.


She’s extremely dedicated.

She especially loves puppies.


Rodents are also her friends.

Soft kitty, warm kitty little ball of fur.