Traveler, photographer, nature lover, born in Bucharest, Romania, Aurel Constantin Paduraru, was looking for a fresh start last year, so he decided to move to the United Kingdom hoping that would be it. And the brave move paid off. “Last year, my wife, our five-year-old son, and I decided to move to the United Kingdom. We needed something new in our lives, a new challenge, and a fresh start, so we found a small and beautiful town in the countryside and it happened.” As time passed, the more and more he fell in love with the Clevedon, the small town they live in now. “We used our free days and weekends to discover the country which seems to be always green, maybe because almost every day is a rainy day.” It didn’t take long for the passionate photographer to achieve a collection of his own landscapes showing us the way he sees the land he lives in, his new home. “I like the culture for preserving their inheritance, how they look after the wildlife, and that people are always smiling (or at least most of the time).” Make sure to check out another Aurel Constantin Paduraru story we’ve covered here on Sortra, the photo collection titled – The Wild Beauty Of Morocco.
More info: Instagram, Facebook, Official Website.
Photos by Aurel Constantin Paduraru

“Last year, my wife, our five-year-old son, and I decided to move to the United Kingdom.”

“We needed something new in our lives, a new challenge, and a fresh start,”

“So we found a small and beautiful town in the countryside and it happened.”

“We used our free days and weekends to discover the country which seems to be always green,”

“Maybe because almost every day is a rainy day.”

“I like the culture for preserving their inheritance,”

“How they look after the wildlife, and that people are always smiling.”

You can check out on our website ‘The Wild Beauty Of Morocco’ – also by Aurel Constantin Paduraru