Passiflora, known also as the passion flowers, is a woody vine that has unusual blossoms which is used historically in treating anxiety, insomnia, seizures, and hysteria. It has many mytological, religious and symbolic meanings like other flowers. When the Spanish and Portuguese missionaries and explorers came to the Americas in the 16th century, they were charmed by the exuberant beauty and features of this perfumed flower and immediately associated it with elements of Christ’s Calvary.Due to the flower’s symmetric numerical values and interesting fringed petals and tendrils, onlookers believed that the design of the flower symbolized the ten apostles, crown of thorns and cross to which Jesus was nailed to… Other areas of the world such as India believe that the Passion Flower is a symbol of the Five Pandava Brothers, a family who were all married to the same woman named Draupadi. Again, connected by the flower’s unusual appearance, the several sepals that surround the head are said to represent an army of a thousand men while the exquisite blue hue in the center is reflective of the Divine Krishna’s aura. (exoticflowers) They have their special place in tattoo world with their exceptionally unique look and deep purple colour. Whereas they look amazing when inked alone, they are often combined with other patterns like birds, bees or a quote, etc. You can either have it colourful or black and white mandala style, both version appear beautiful on the skin. All in all, take a look at our gallery to find the inspiration you need to get a romantic and delicate passiflora tattoo for yourself.