“How to change my image successfully?” Since 1999, with the help of his students, Konstantin Bogomolov has been changing people lives through most amazing makeovers that will blow your mind. Bogomolov is a Russian image designer, fashion analyst, and the headmaster of the International Education Centre “Bogomolov’ Image School”, based in Riga, capital of Latvia. “How to change my image successfully?”, a question formulated in a way that Bogomolov finds plain wrong. The designer explains his view on the matter: “A spectacular transformation of one’s appearance should not become the ultimate goal. In some cases, it requires a radical change, in some just a minor correction. The main task for a stylist is not to CHANGE, but rather to FIND the client’s image.” Clothes, hair, and makeup are just tools Bogomolov says, just tools he uses to enhance and perfectly express each unique personality. This is the key to so-called ‘changing your image successfully’. Visit Bogomolov’s Instagram and official page.