Meet Sora, a rather beautiful 2-year-old cat from Japan. He was adopted by a loving family who lost their cat Mikan, two years ago. That loss devasted them, but when they saw Sora, they noticed the same birthmark their previous pet had on the exact same spot – the nose. They believe that Sora is the reincarnation of their beloved cat Mikan and that’s the reason they adopted him. That’s also the reason why they named their new cat Sora (that means Sky in Japanese). His owners say that Sora is a very gentle and friendly cat who loves to play with other animals. He also loves having tea parties with his foster parents. If you want to see more pictures of Sora, check out his Instagram profile here.
He is one smart cookie.

Time for some tea.

He loves wearing bow ties.

Sora is the cutest cat here.

He has beautiful fur.

Mmm, that looks tasty!

He loves books too.

Wonderful green eyes.

Sora and his tasty friends.

Cuteness overload.