Twins are a fascinating miracle of nature. Human twins identical twins are remarkable, but we’re more or less used to that phenomenon. Cat twins, on the other hand, are very rare, but they are absolutely stunning. Meet Iriss and Abyss, the best-looking twin cats you’ll ever see. Both of these ridiculously cute cats have heterochromatic eyes. That means that their eyes are of different color. In their case, one eye is blue and one’s brown. Somehow, these different eyes make Iriss and Abyss look even more beautiful. If you like these photos of inseparable twin sisters, you should definitely check out their Instagram profile, in order to enjoy more of their photos.
These two are truly inseparable.

Look at those perfect eyes.

The pure whiteness.

They are exactly the same.

Iriss and Abyss love to cuddle.

“Let me tell you a secret.”


They even goof around together.

“What is this flower?”

Nap time.
