Ways To Keep Your Mind Off The Boredom While Being Inked

Getting a tattoo can be fun yet tedious at times. For first-timers, squinting yourself in one position for a prolonged duration is bound to get boring and sometimes even irritating to sit through; this is where keeping yourself engaged becomes vital. So, in this article, we will walk through a few techniques and tips that will not only prevent you from getting bored while getting inked but also will make the whole tattooing experience far more enjoyable. So be sure to read till the end to find out how to curb boredom during a tattoo session.

How To Beat Boredom During Your Tattoo Session?

1. Listen to music

To combat boredom during a tattoo session, you can listen to your favorite playlist or calming music. If you listen to music while getting a tattoo, you can divert your attention away from the pain you might feel during the process. While some tattoo studios allow clients to bring their headphones, others don’t— it’s best to ask first. You can also choose to read or watch a movie as a distraction.

You can even benefit from upbeat tracks, as such tracks are meant to keep spirits high compared to low-key soothing songs. All in all, turning to music in such a case will make your tattoo experience so much better and make time pass so much faster.

2. Use a vape pen

Having nothing to do while getting a tattoo can be really boring, but a vape pen can come in handy to keep the mind occupied. Smoking is not only psychologically calming but also makes one feel a bit more comfortable. Most vape pens have several different flavors, which serve as a great sensory distraction and allow the person to pass the time more swiftly.

More so, if one wishes to have a CBD vape pen instead, they may avoid discomfort or any sort of anxiety during the process. However, make sure you ask your tattoo artist if you can smoke in his studio. And yes, if you are considering a vape pen, you may think of getting a CBDfx CBD vape pen.

3. Play games

Some people find tattoos lengthy and sometimes tedious. Games can effectively keep you occupied and engaged during a tattoo session. Whether it’s a mobile app, a puzzle, or a handheld device, interactive activities help the time pass faster. Pick up something simple and easy to play, such as video games, so you don’t feel the need to give them more attention than the gameplay itself.

In addition, puzzles, word games, or even casual strategy games can distract you from the process of getting tattooed. Just make sure the device you are using is easy to manage without getting in your tattoo artist’s way, or your hands are free. This not only helps relieve boredom but also helps keep you entertained and relaxed for as long as the session lasts.

4. Read a book

A book is the best option to make use of your mind during a tattoo session. A story is captivating enough; whether it’s a physical book, an e-book on your tablet, or an audiobook, it will definitely help keep you entertained. Pick a fascinating book- whether it is fierce fiction or informative non-fiction. It should be easy to keep your hands free with audiobooks, especially because you can focus on staying still when the artist is working on you.

On top of that, directing your focus to an engaging plot or facts will distract you from the unpleasant feelings that arise from sitting in one position as a human sculpture and being bored. This is why this method is useful when getting tattooed, as it makes the process much less painful in comparison.

5. Meditate or breathe

Feeling bored while getting tattooed can be quite a drag, so how about meditating or practicing breathing exercises? These methods will not only calm you down but also alleviate any anxiety or discomfort you may feel. For instance, taking deep breaths—inhaling deeply through the nose for a few seconds before exhaling through the mouth—can engage your mind and allow you to remain calm.

Another example of a focus shift technique is meditation, which allows the machine’s buzzing noise to become less and less irrelevant so you can keep your peace. All these techniques are not only good for keeping you preoccupied but can also drastically improve your tattooing experience.

6. Chat with artist

Chatting with the tattoo artist can alleviate boredom during a tattoo session. Most tattoo specialists are friendly and know all about making their clients feel assured and comfortable. You can discuss the tattoo design, its significance, and the artist’s previous works. You can also talk about other topics such as your hobbies, things you and the artist might have in common, or more recent general news, which helps divert you from feeling any pain.

This interpersonal communication not only assists in keeping track of time but also establishes a bond with the tattooist, making the session fun. So, imagine how pleasant it will be when the conversation is productive, and the process experiences are better as a result.

7. Watch a movie

Watching a movie during the procedure can pass the time while getting a tattoo. Smartphones and tablets make it ridiculously easy, so just make sure to bring your headphones. A good film can make the tattooing process much more bearable.

Even some light comedies can help you cheer up as your tattoo is in progress. And yes, avoid films that focus on intense plots, as these can completely require your full concentration, leading to difficulty due to the distractions simultaneously present while getting a tattoo.

Summing Up

To wrap up, occupying your brain during a tattoo appointment can really make a never-ending, lengthy process quite fun. Listening to music, watching a movie, playing games, or any other options can keep you relaxed and busy throughout the appointment. Just remember to select distractions that are comfortable for you and compliant with the studio’s rules. All in all, it can be said that having a plan for a few underrated distractions will go a long way in ensuring that everything will be better than simply having the tattoo sit bored out of your mind.