Jaslin Li is a stay-at-home mom with two kids and a macaron artist. She started her macaron journey after she had her first born. She believes making macarons is such a great way to learn patience (just like raising kids!). She initially took an online class to help satisfy her curiosity, well.. as they say “the rest is history.” She tells her motivation to learn macaron art to Bakell Blog as follows; “Baking has always been one of my hobbies and making macarons has been my go-to edible art for quite some time now.”, adding that; “I had my first French macaron way back in 2011 when my then boyfriend (current husband) took me to Laduree in NYC. When I first stepped foot into the store, I was immediately mesmerized by all the little round cookies with pretty colors and fancy flavors. It was love at first sight. After that first bite I was so eager to learn how to make them and thus beginning my macaron journey.” Macarons are undoubtedly her passion and she prides herself on showing her love and caring for others through the edible delights she makes. Such an amazing way to reflect your emotions, don’t you think? We think her macaron art is incredibly inspiring and wonder about your thoughts. Just take a look at them and share your ideas with us.