“Historia magistra vitae est.” This is the ancient Latin phrase that suggest that history is the teacher of life. And that really is the case. When we look back in time, we can see our mistakes, so we don’t make them anymore in the future. Also, not only that we learn from the past, we can also appreciate the beauty of certain aspects of life in the old days. One of the things we always admired is the beauty of women. Unfortunately, the look of women from our past is very often an inaccurate stereotype. Karolina Żebrowska wants to right the wrong through this amazing series of photographs that are revealing the real truth behind the exterior. Besides these amazing images of women from the past centuries, you can watch a touching video in which Żebrowska explains the mistakes and reveals the awful truth. “The beauty standards they show are almost always our contemporary stereotypes of the past decades. For example, when it comes to the 1920s, it almost always is a partying, shiny flapper girl; when it comes to the 1950s, we always get pin-up,” says Karolina. Through her “100 Years of Beauty” project, Karolina wants to tell the true story about the poor, hardworking and gorgeous real women of our past.